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Books + Online Video

Scorebooks in A4 format with Video/Audio online.

You will receive the scores A4 book at the indicated address, and you will have access to the Video/Audio on the  "flamencolive.com" streaming portal in your private library together with the scores in online format.
Showing from 1 to 21 of 21 items
Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante"- Alegrías - (A4 book, Online video) - David Leiva
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Alegrías - Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante”  reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.

Language: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante"- Bulerías - (A4 Book. online video) - David Leiva
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Bulerías - Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante”  reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.

Language: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante"- Fandangos Naturales- (A4 Book, Online video) - David Leiva
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Fandangos Naturales- Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante”  reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.

Language: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante"- La Soleá 1 - (A4 Book, Online video) - David Leiva
Reference: TSOLEA1_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Soleá 1 - Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante”  reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.

Language: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante"- La Soleá 2 - (DELUXE) - David Leiva
Reference: TSOLEA2_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Soleá 2 - Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante”  reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.

Language: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante"- Tangos- (A4 Book, Online video) - David Leiva
Reference: TTANGOS_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Tangos - Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante”  reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.

Language: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante"- Tientos - (A4 Book, Online video) - David Leiva
Reference: TTIENTOS_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Tientos - Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante”  reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.

Language: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

Treatise of Accompaniment to Cante - Seguiriya 1 - (A4 Book + Online video) - David Leiva
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Seguiriyas 1 - Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante”  reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.

Language: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante - Seguiriya 2 - (A4 Book, Online video) - David Leiva
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Seguiriyas 2 - Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante”  reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.

Language: Spanish, English, and Japanese.

F. Guitar step by step - Accompanying the singing "por Alegrías" (A4 Book,Video Onle), Oscar Herrero
Reference: GF09_ALCANTE_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Accompanying the singing "por Alegrías"  - A video series that explains every single guitar technique for people who already have some basic knowledge and wish to take up Flamenco. " Every technique is explained at normal speed and step by step. Practices with special exercises and concert themes
Spanish, English, French, and Japanese versions.

F. Guitar step by step - Accompanying the singing "por Soleá" (A4 Book,Video Online) - Oscar Herrero
Reference: GF06_SOCANTE_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

ccompanying the singing "por Soleá"  - A video series that explains every single guitar technique for people who already have some basic knowledge and wish to take up Flamenco. " Every technique is explained at normal speed and step by step. Practices with special exercises and concert themes.

Spanish, English, French, and Japanese versions.

Flamenco Guitar - Accompanying the singing "por Bulerías" (A4Book,Video Online), Jose Manuel Montoya
Reference: GF10_BUCANTE_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

Accompanying the singing "por Bulerías": a serie that explains every single guitar technique for people who already have some basic knowledge and wish to take up Flamenco. " Every technique is explained at normal speed and step by step. Practices with special exercises and concert themes.

Spanish, English, French, German and Japanese versions.

Flamenco Guitar Bulerías step by step I  (A4 Book, Video Online), José Manuel Montoya
Reference: GF10_BU1_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

A deep study of Buleráis, for beginners with basic knowledge of Flamenco Guitar Techniques. Explained exercises and concert themes in these videos are suitable for all kinds of guitarists (from low up to high level).

Spanish, English, French, German and Japanese versions.

Flamenco Guitar step by step - Alegrías I (A4 Book, Video Online), Oscar Herrero
Reference: GF07_AL1_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

ALEGRIAS 1 - A video series that explains every single guitar technique for people who already have some basic knowledge and wish to take up Flamenco. " Every technique is explained at normal speed and step by step. Practices with special exercises and concert themes

Spanish, English, French, and Japanese versions.

Flamenco Guitar step by step - Alegrías II (A4 Book, Video Online), Oscar Herrero
Reference: GF08_AL2_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

ALEGRIAS II- A video series that explains every single guitar technique for people who already have some basic knowledge and wish to take up Flamenco. " Every technique is explained at normal speed and step by step. Practices with special exercises and concert themes
Spanish, English, French, and Japanese versions.
Flamenco Guitar step by step - Soleá I (A4 Book, Video Online), Oscar Herrero
Reference: GF04_SO1_LX
DELUXE: A4 book in physical format + Streaming/online video with synchronized scores

SOLEÁ 1 - A video series that explains every single guitar technique for people who already have some basic knowledge and wish to take up Flamenco. " Every technique is explained at normal speed and step by step. Practices with special exercises and concert themes
Spanish, English, French, and Japanese versions.

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