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Saving Pack - Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante"- Soleá 1 & 2- (DVD/Book) - David Leiva

Saving Pack - Treatise of Accompaniment to "El Cante"- Soleá  1 & 2- (DVD/Book) - David Leiva
Brand: XDL
52,00 €54,49 $ 54,49 $8.324,68 ¥ 8.324,68 ¥43,27 £ 43,27 £10 % disc. 58,00 €
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Flamenco Guitar
Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante
- Soleá -
David Leiva
The new collection "Flamenco Guitar. Treatise of Accompaniment to El Cante” in DVD format with booklet, reveals the secrets of the great master accompanists of flamenco, offering unique and innovative material in flamenco pedagogy.
Aimed at new guitarists and professionals it offers the opportunity to analyse and interpret falsetas, remates, different accompaniment tricks, different rasgueos and chords depending on the chosen guitarist and his era.
But this is not the greatest surprise, as if this was not enough, this production is outstanding because it also contains the vocals (a cappella, without guitar accompaniment) of the greatest flamenco masters available to us. A luxury for those guitarists who were not contemporaries of the great flamenco singers or those of us who have not had the opportunity to accompany them.
The masters included in this treatise are:
Cantaores (The flamenco singers): Pepe de la Matrona, Juan Talega, Pericón de Cádiz, Antonio Mairena, Rafael Romero, Fernanda de Utrera, Terremoto de Jerez, Fosforito and Enrique Morente.
Guitarists: Al estilo de Niño Ricardo, Melchor de Marchena, Diego del Gastor, Sabicas, Manolo Sanlúcar Pepe Habichuela, Paco de Lucía, Enrique de Melchor, Moraíto Chico, Tomatito and Vicente Amigo..
Each style is presented in six different ways:
• Vocals with guitar and percussion: the complete version.
• Vocals with guitar
• Vocals a cappella with flamenco percussion so as to practise the accompaniment.
• Guitar solo with percussion, so as to sing along or listen to the different details in the guitar
• Guitar solo, so as to sing along or listen to the different details in the guitar
• Percussion, so as to sing along and accompaniment

"Soleá 1" contents
 "Soleá 2" contents
  1. Soleá de Alcalá: (Juan Talega voice,  Paco de Lucía guitar style)
  2. Soleá de Triana: (Antonio Mairena voice, Enrique del Melchor guitar style)
  3. Soleá de Utrera: (Fernanda de Utrera voice, Moraíto guitar style)
  4. Soleá de Paquirri: (Pepe de la Matrona voice, Sabicas guitar style)
  5. Soleá de Cádiz: (Pericón de Cádiz voice, Contemporáneo guitar style)
  6. Caña: (Fosforito vocie,  Pepe Habichuela guitar style)
  1. Soleá de Alcalá ( Antonio Mairena voice, Melchor de Marchena guitar style)
  2. Soleá de los Puertos (Enrique Morente voice, Niño Ricardo guitar style)
  3. Soleá por Bulerías (Terremoto voice, Tomatito guitar style)
  4. Soleá de Jerez (Antonio Mairena voice, Diego del Gastor guitar style)
  5. Bambera (Fosforito voice, Vicente Amigo guitar style)
  6. Polo (Rafael Romero vocie, Manolo Sanlúcar guitar style)
The different videos show the guitarist David Leiva interpreting all of the accompaniment styles, chord diagrams, 12 beat cycle so as to follow where we are at each moment and the musical notation with bar numbers so as to be able to refer to the score.

6 audio options:
- Guitar+percussion+cante
- Guitar+cante
- Guitar+percussion
- Guitar
- Percussion+cante
- Percussion
Also includes Basic Technique at normal and slow speed: arpeggios, alzapua, thumb, strumming, tremolo, scales.
3 audio options: Guitar with percussion, Guitar solo, Percussion.

The libreto includes all of the accompaniment, falsetas and basic techniques in notation, tab and chord diagrams, biographies of all of the maestros included and diagrams for accompanying in different keys.
3 languages: Spanish, Englishc and Japanesse


Soleà de Utrera
DVD Soleá-1
(Fernanda de Utrera voice,
Moraito Chico style)

score exampel
Soleà de Jerez 
DVD Soleá-2
(Antonio Mairena voice, 
Diego del Gastor style)

score example

Basic Technique

Same for Soleá 1 y 2

Thumb  xcores


Tremolo scores




Thumb basic technique
normal spedd



slow speed



Tremolo basic technique
normal speed

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